A Study in Crimean Tatar Embroidery
The Asiye-Zeynep Collection
Head Scarves I
Head Scarf 01 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 72 cm wide and 134 cm long; featuring 6-petal, green and pink stylized flowers and purple tulips with orange pistils on a meandering, dark brown stem (flowing water motif, with angular turns);
embroidered in counted-thread style; embroidery height, from the tip of tulips to the edge of cloth, 8 cm.
Head Scarf 02 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 57 cm wide and 136 cm long; S-shaped motif with two intersecting stems, in Egri Dal style, repeated 3 times across the width of cloth; blue and dark lavender leaves, embroidered in satin stitch;
green twigs in fern stitch; stylized buds embroidered with metallic tread (gold strips) in Turkic stitch; embroidery width, from the top of green twigs to the edge of cloth, 11 cm. Note the light green border in double running stitch,
found in other Crimean Tatar embroidered work.
Head Scarf 03 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 68 cm wide and 138 cm long; reversed-S shaped motif featuring a stylized flower with dangling earrings, in Egri Dal style,
worked in Turkic and satin stitches, with metallic thread (silver); main stem in black (double running stitch); black, brown and pink twigs in fern stitch; pink, purple, green and mustard yellow leaves in satin stitch; height of embroidery,
from the tip of black twigs to the edge of cloth, 15 cm. Note the border in double running stitch, found in other Crimean Tatar embroidered work.
Click here for full length of embrodiery.
Head Scarf 04 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 80 cm wide and 138 cm long; two stems of flowers and grapes, worked in Turkic and satin stitches, with metallic thread (silver) and other colors (shades of purple and pink, light green and blue;
larger flowers (stylized roses) worked in the Hatayi style; each motif repeated three times along the narrower edge of fabric; embroidery height from the tip of flowers to the edge of cloth, 21 cm. Note the border in double running stitch,
found in other Crimean Tatar embroidered work.
Head Scarf 05 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 75 cm wide and 139 cm long; featuring red and green grapes, and grape leaves on a meandering stem (flowing water motif), worked with metallic thread (silver), all in satin stitch;
grape leaves in purple, pink, teal blue and brick colors; height of embroidery, from the tip of silver stems to the edge of cloth, 14 cm. Note the absence of a border.
Head Scarf 06 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 67 cm wide and 144 cm long; reversed S-shaped motif with a central, stylized flower and two buds at the ends, in Egri Dal style; stems and buds worked in metallic thread (silver);
the rest in alternating colors of brown, pink, yellow and dark blue; satin, double running and Turkic stitches; each motif repeated three times; height of embroidery, from the tip of leaves to the edge of cloth, 12 cm. Note the border in double running stitch,
found in other Crimean Tatar embroidered work.
See: another version of detail and full length of embrodiery.
Head Scarf 07 (Marama)
Embroidered on cotton (muslin), 75 cm wide and 150 cm long; featuring stylized roses, tulips, buds and leaves on meandering stem, with angular turns; all worked in counted-thread style, in colors of pink, purple, dark blue, green,
brown and metallic thread (silver). The larger flowers stitched in mushabak style; embroidery height, from the tip of flowers to the edge of cloth, 10 cm.
See: longer length of embroidery.
Posted: 10 February 2010
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