Publications of Ismail Bey Gaspirali*Serial Publications: Tercüman/Perevodchik [Interpreter]. Bahçesaray, 1883-1918. Alem-i Nisvan [World of women]. Bahçesaray, 1906-1910. Alem-i Sibyan [World of Children]. Bahçesaray, 1906-1912? Al-Nahdah/The Renaissance. Cairo, 1908 Kha! Kha! Kha! [Ha! Ha! Ha!]. Bahçesaray, 1906- ? Books and Booklets: Russkoe Musul'manstvo. [Russian Islam]. Simfereopol, 1881. Salname-i Türki [A Turkic Almanac]. Bahçesaray, 1882. Mirat-ı Cedid [Mirror of Reform]. Bahçesaray, 1882. Hoca-ı Sibyan [Teacher of Children]. Bahçesaray, 1884. 3rd ed. 1892; 7th ed. 1898. Avrupa Medeniyetine Bir Nazar-ı Muvazene [A Balanced Appraisal of European Civilization]. Bahçesaray, 1885. Islamlara dair Nizamlar ve Imtiyazlar [Regulations and Priviliges of Islam]. Bahçesaray, 1885. Rusiye Cografyası [Geography of Russia]. Bahçesaray, 1885. Iki Bahadır [Two heroes]. Bahçesaray, 1886. Kıraat-i Türki [Readings in Turkic]. Bahçesaray, 1886. 2nd ed. 1894. Maişet Muharebesi [Struggle for Livelihood]. Bahçesaray, 1886. Halera Vebası ve Onun Deva ve Darusu [The Cholera Plague, Remedies and Treatment]. Bahçesaray, 1887. Bahtiyar Nazım [Happy Regulator]. Bahçesaray, 1889. Atlaslı Cihanname [A World Atlas]. Bahçesaray, 1889. Medeniyet-i Islamiye [Islamic Civilization]. Bahçesaray, 1889. Garaib-i Adat-i Akvam [Strange Habits of People]. Bahçesaray, 1890. Arslan Kız [Brave Girl]. Bahçesaray, 1894. Mektep ve Usul-i Cedid Nedir? [What are the School and the New Method?]. Bahçesaray, 1894. Risale-i Terkib [Monograph on Compounds?]. Bahçesaray, 1894. Russko-vostochnoe Soglashenie [Russian-oriental Relations]. Bahçesaray, 1896. English translation by Edward J. Lazzerini. In: Allworth, Edward A., Ed. The Tatars of Crimea: Return to the Homeland, 2nd. Ed., Revised and Expanded. Durham: Duke University Press, 1998, pp. 110-124. Hesab. Muhtasar Ilm-i Hesab ve Mesa'il-i Hesabiye [Arithmetic. A Short Book on Arithmetic and Problems of Arithmetic]. Bahçesaray, 1897. Her Gün Gerek Zakonlar [Daily Requirements and Principles]. Bahçsaray, 1897. Rehber-i İslamiye [A Guide to Islam]. Bahçesaray, 1898. Şara'it al-Islam [The Stipulations in Islam]. Bahçesaray, 1897. Rehber-i Mu'allimin, yani Mu'allimlere Yoldaş [A Guide or Companion for Teachers]. Bahçesaray, 1898. Türkistan Uleması [The Scholars of Türkistan]. Bahçesaray, 1900 Mevlud-i Cenâb-ı Hazret-i Ali ['Mevlud' of St. Ali]. Bahçesaray, 1900. Beden-i Insan [Body of Man]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Iran. Resimli Mecmua [Iran. An Illustrated Magazine]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Mebadi-yi Temeddün-i Islamiyan-i Rus [First Steps toward Civilizing the Russian Muslims]. Bahçesaray, 1901. English translation in Edward Lazzerini's "Gadidism at the turn of the twentieth century: a View from within," Cahiers du monde russe et sovietique 16 (2): 245-77, 1975 Meşhur Payitahtlar [Famous Capitals]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Usul-i Edeb. Şark ve Garb Kaideleri [Principles of Manners. The Rules of East and West]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Zoraki Tabib [Involuntary Physician]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Malumat-i Nafia [Useful Information]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Tashih-i Akaidden [Corrections on 'Akait']. Bahçesaray, 1901. Temsilat-i Krilof [The Krilof Plays]. Bahçesaray, 1901. Asya'da Komşularımız [Our Neighbors in Asia]. Bahçesaray, 1903. Dâru-l Rahat Müslümanları [Muslims of Peaceful Abode]. Bahçesaray, 1906. Müslüman Kongresi [Congress of Muslims]. Bahçesaray, 1909. Articles: "Türk yurducularına" [To Turkic compatriots]. Türk Yurdu 1: 190-95, 1328 [1912] "Hind yolundan," [From the road to India]. Türk Yurdu 1: 307-10, 1328 [1912]. "Hind'den dönerken" [Upon return from India]. Türk Yurdu 1: 369-71, 1328 [1912] "Muhaceret muntazama" [Orderly emigration].Türk Yurdu 1: 706-13, 1328 [1913] [In addition, there are numerous articles that Gaspirali wrote for his newspaper Tercüman and his other serial publications, which are not included here.]
*The above list of Ismail Bey Gaspirali's publications has been prepared by Inci Bowman, with the assistance of Ismail Otar. It is based on Edward J. Lazzerini's doctoral dissertation, "Ismail Bey Gasprinskii and muslim modernism in Russia, 1879-1914," University of Washington, 1973, pp. 295-98. See also: Selected Writings Relating to Ismail Bey Gaspirali. |
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